Node MCU has revolutionized IOT industry with its simple design and a wide range of features. It is like an Arduino Board with a built-in WiFi module. You can simply program Node MCU (just like Arduino Board) and develop IoT applications. For more enhancements, Node MCU can be directly connected with the Arduino Board.
Main features of Node MCU:
- Economical and easy to use
- Open source platform for IoT applications
- Integrated low power chip
- Suitable for automation and telemetry projects
NodeMCU CH340 v3 specs:
- IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi support
- 32-bit RISC CPU Tensilica Xtensa LX106
- Built-in LNA, Power Amplifier, TR Switch, and Matching Network
- 80 MB Operating Frequency
- 4 MB Flash Memory
- 64 KB SRAM
- 1 UART on GPIO2
- 16 Digital I/O Pins
- 1 Analog Input Pin
- 7-12V Input Voltage
NodeMCU pin diagram:
What comes as part of the IoT starters kit:
1. Mini Breadboard
2. CH340 V3 NodeMCU Board
3. 5V Power Adapter for power supply
4. 10 Segment 4 Color LED Strip
Complete kit:
Instructions on programming NodeMCU v3 using Arduino IDE
Home Automation with NodeMCU
Weather forecast with NodeMCU
Motion detection with NodeMCU
Publishing temperature reading to ThingSpeak