Dataloggers are great tools which allows you to measure changes in parameters over time, Be it to track the change of weather over time or monitor the temperature and humidity in your green house the datalogger is the tool for the job.
We present a datalogger which has been tested to run 5 months on a single charge of battery. The datalogger works over wifi and provides a great graphical interface for you to view the data.
Not only does it show the live temperature and humidity, it also shows the battery level.
Email alerts:
You can set email alerts for low or high temperature & humidity events.
This allows you to act fast when the temperature of humidity goes outside the safe limits and could damage plants or electronic hardware the datalogger is monitoring.
The email alerts can be configured here:
Datalogger email alert setup

View the live graph here
Other applications of dataloggers:
- Food processing: Monitoring temperature of food, cooking etc
- Scientific and Industrial research
- Monitoring buildings: Measuring the temperature and humidity in public buildings, galleries, homes and warehouses
- Automotive: Monitoring temperature during vehicle testing
- Environment & Weather: Monitoring weather and environment for changes over time
- Datacenters: Monitoring server room temperatures
Our loggers have been used to measure home insulation by tracking the temperatures outside the home vs inside the home to get the insulation characteristics of new home builds,
It can be used for frost detection in orchards and greenhouses. If you are into weather, there is no better tool to track the changes in weather over time and keep an eye on trends.
The logger allows to download the past data in Excel viewable format with.
Download & View sample data collected from datalogger
Temperature sensor : DHT 22
Absolute accuracy: ±2%
Repeatability: ±1%
Long term stability: ±0.5% per year
Battery Life : 150 days on full charge ( approx 5 months)
Battery type: 1 x 18650
NOTE: Battery is not included
1. How does the datalogger work?
The wifi datalogger collects temperature and humidity samples every 15 minutes and uploads the data on to our cloud server,
Each logger has a unique key to identify it (it is provided on purchase), this key can be used to download and view its data from a browser or mobile phone.
2. How do I view the live data from the logger?
Each logger has a unique key which is provided on purchase.
To view the graph use below link:
To download the excel readable data collected so far:
3. How do I setup the datalogger to connect to my Wifi?
Steps to setup the datalogger to connect to your wifi can be found here
4. Is this product ready to use, is any assembly required ?
Yes, once you put the batteries and configure the Wifi its ready to go, no assembly is required.
5. Can this logger connect to other sensors, like voltage, soil moisture etc?
Yes, the logger is designed to connect a variety of sensors, based on a minimum order quantity we can build loggers with your required sensors.
6. Can I get alerts when the temperature or humidity goes outside a certain level?
Yes, this datalogger comes with a tool which allows you to setup email alerts when the temperature or humidity goes outside limits set by you.
You will get an alert email for every sample collected by the logger which is outside the set levels. You can setup the alerts in the below link:
Datalogger email alert setup
7. Can I view the live data from anywhere?
Yes. The data from these loggers are hosted in the cloud, hence making it possible to view it anywhere in the world with just an internet connection.
8. How long do you keep the data logger data ?
All data from the datalogger can be downloaded from the below link,
We try to keep backups of data of all loggers upto 6 months from present, If you would like to store data for longer than 6 months then downloading the data from above link would
allow you to maintain longer backups.
8. Where is this datalogger designed and built?
The WifiLog data logger is designed and built in Christchurch, New Zealand.