This SD card is a little stunning add-on that is great for your project. It allows you to expand the non-volatile memory of your Arduino device to, well, a few Gigabytes as of the current technology.
It is equivalent to adding a hard drive to your Arduino device. This extra memory is essential for data logging applications, where data is normally needed to transfer to a pc for post-processing.
This SD card shield connected to the Arduino by SPI interface. Multiple devices can use the same SPI interface to communicate with the Arduino as long as each of the device has their own chip select.
It supports both regular size SD cards and micro-SD cards, but only one can be used at a time. A small prototyping area is available some prototype holds for user to expand their circuit on the shield. Photo shows the top and bottom views of the shield.
- Arduino compatible
- Stand SD card and MicroSD card compatible
- Prototype expand
- Arduino footprint expand
- Arduino Library support
Pin of Arduino | With SD Card |
5v | VCC -> 3v3 |
D13 | SD_CLK |
D12 | SD_OUT |
D11 | SD_IN |
D10 | SD_CS |
When use the Standard SD card libriary in Arduino IDE, please change the CS pin from 4 to 10, i.e., change
SD.begin(4) to SD.begin(10)
If you are not sure, please just download and run this SD Card Shield example code.
Note: SDHC is not supported
Link to the Arduino SD card library