Want to wirelessly control a Mars rover from your laptop?
You are in the right place, this kit does exactly that. 10 minutes is what it takes to wire up the electronics, it doesn't even need soldering. For people who know programming, this kit is more than a remote control robot. It comes with all the code you need to get it going so its simple as...
You can write program on your pc to communicate with the robot such as scheduling tasks and receiving sensor data (e.g. video, image, switch, temperature, light etc) from the robot. You can even control the robot on the internet!! The ways it can be used are endless...
This kit includes
- Mars Rover
- Arduino Uno
- Motor shield
- Bluetooth module
- 4-way stripped wires and approx. 10 breadboard wires
All you need to add is 6 AA batteries, and a laptop with Bluetooth connectivity.
The Mars rover platform is a robust and easily adjustable track drive chassis that is perfect for robotics hobbyists. It has two DC motor built-in, and it's already assembled. A 6-slot battery case is also included. The height of the track wheels are manually adjustable.
Tutorials provided at the bottom of this page show you how to assemble it, and the available open source code demonstrates how to control the rover on the keyboard. 'e', 'c', 's', 'f', 'd' keys command the robot to go forward, backward, left, right and stop.
Specs provided by the manufacturer:
- Dimensions: 245mm length x 225mm width x 74mm height
- Adjustable height: 74mm-100mm
- Ground clearance: 21mm-50mm
- Operating voltage: 7.2V
- Operating current: 160–180 mA
- Maximum speed: 30 cm/s(speed can reach 42cm/s at 12 V)
- Maximum climbing angle: > 30°
- Maximum payload: > 7.5Kg
Note: the specs above should only used be as a reference, performance of individual platform may vary due to manufacturing tolerance, battery type and operating conditions.
Please see our 3-step tutorial on how to make a bluetooth robot:
Step1, hook up the Motor Shield
Step2, test the Bluetooth module
Step3, combine Bluetooth with Motor Shield
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